A mood disorder that is very similar to Bipolar 2 Disorder.
Cyclothymia is identified by alternating low-level depressive symptoms
along with periods of mild hypomania


Unfortunately, most people who have cyclothymia have symptoms
that are mild enough that they don’t seek medical treatment
and/or they don’t think they have a medical condition.

Cyclothymia is manageable with talk therapy and medication
but many people with Cyclothymia don't think they
need treatment.
Treatment for cyclothymia usually involves psychotherapy (talk therapy)
and medication.
There are several different types of psychotherapy.
Studies have shown that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
specifically works best to help treat cyclothymia.

Psychotherapy can help reduce stress by teaching you to:

-Recognize, monitor and manage the symptoms of Cyclothymia

-Cope with stressful and triggering situations

-Change the way you think, react and problem solve

-Improve communication and interactions with others

Unfortunately, there’s no known way to prevent cyclothymia
because scientists don’t know its exact cause.
However, seeking help as soon as symptoms appear can
help decrease the disruptions to your life and relationships.